Prof. Dr. Peter E. Blöchl
Department of Applied Theoretical Physics
- Diploma in Physics, U. Karlsruhe 1984,
- Max Planck Institute for Materials and Solid State Research, 1984-1989
- Doctorate, U. Stuttgart, 1989
- IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center, New York, USA, 1989-1990
- IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rueschlikon, Switzerland, 1990-2000
- Visiting Professor, TU Vienna, Austria, 1995
- Habilitation, TU Vienna, Austria, 1997
- University professor (C4), TU Clausthal, since 2000
- Member of the Braunschweig Scientific Society since 2003
1990 "Young Author Best Paper Award" of the 20th International Conference on Semiconductor Physics / 1993 "IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award" / 1998 and 2000 "IBM Invention Achievement Awards", first and second plateau

Prof. Dr. Peter E. Blöchl
Research Director
Room 326
Tel. +49(5323)72-2021
Fax: +49(5323)72-3116
Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications Unfertig!
Class Teaching Feedback Unfertig!
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Researcher ID (Publons)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Mayer
Department of Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics
- Diploma in physics LMU Munich 1968
- Doctorate LMU Munich 1971
- Research assistant RWTH Aachen 1972-74
- Post doc IHES, Bures sur Yvette, France 1974-76
- Post doc Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada 1976
- Research assistant RWTH Aachen 1977-79
- Habilitation RWTH Aachen 1979
- Heisenberg Fellow 1980-1987
- Professorships in Essen, Heidelberg, Giessen, Aachen 1980-87
- Visiting Professor IHES Bures sur Yvette France 1981-82
- Visiting Professor Warwick University, England 1982
- Apl. professor RWTH Aachen 1985
- Visiting Professor SFB Heidelberg 1988
- Visiting Professor Research Center Jülich 1989
- Visiting Professor MPI Mathematics Bonn 1989-91
- Professor at the Jülich Research Center 1991
- University Professor TU Clausthal since 1992
- Visiting Professor IHES, Bures sur Yvette, France 1994
- Visiting Professor MPI Mathematics Bonn 1994-95
- Dean of the Department of Physics 1995-97
- Speaker DFG Research Group Clausthal-Göttingen 2000-2004
- Speaker of the Junior Research Group of the State of Lower Saxony 2000-2005
- Visiting Professor IHES Bures sur Yvette 2003
- Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2003-2005
- Visiting Professor at the Institut Henri Poincare Paris, France 2005
- Visiting professor at the Scuola Normale Pisa, Italy 2007
Hundhammer Scholarship from the Bavarian State Government 1963 / Heisenberg Scholarship from the DFG 1979 / Scholarship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1981